The effectiveness of traditional communication techniques has declined in recent years, and marketing specialists are looking at more creative ways to engage consumers. A lot of attention has recently been paid to advergames, which are seen as an attractive new marketing tool to increase consumer engagement and education of brand awareness. The term advergame refers to games that combine brand advertising with gaming to promote business products. In this paper, we study the impact of music on consumer uptake of advergames (n=197). Our results show that music in advergames is an important feature because of its capability to attract audience, enhance their user experience and increase brand awareness.

Forouzan Farzinnejad, Hadi Khezrian, Mohsen Kasiri, and Nilufar Baghaei. “Enhancing Consumer User Experience, Education, and Brand Awareness through Musical Advergames.” In 28th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), 2020.